Elastothane Coatings For Roofing
Typically drying in 5 seconds, and tack free in 10 seconds, polyurea makes a resilient and robust roof coating. Plyurea will coat concrete, GRP, felt, ply, corrugated steel and asbestos roofs. Offering an almost instant waterproof barrier due to it curing in seconds, it allows very large areas to coated in no time at all. With extreme physical properties, it will not chip, crack, flake or peel, making out live most traditional roof materials

Concrete Roofs
Concrete is a fantastic construction material, however it is porous by nature, and allows water to travel through it's structure. Polyurea not only waterproofs concrete, but helps prevent "concrete cancer", where reinforced steel corrodes due to water ingress.

When GRP roofing fails, it can be a costly and time consuming process to repair. Polyurea will creat a new seamless monolithic barrier that seals the surface of the GRP, giving it a renew look and long life expectancy.

Ply lining a roof is common practice to even out poor surfaces, or where original sublates have lost their integrity. Polyurea can be applied directly to ply making a quick, robust and waterproof solution in a fraction of the time compared to other material.

Older buildings and roofs regularly present the issue of dealing with asbestos. With removal being costly, time consuming and dangerous, encapsulation offers a quick, safe and robust solution that will extend the life of a roof for many more years. Often combined with spray applier PU foam, the underside of a roof can be insulated at the same time.

Need an applicator?
We are often asked if we can apply our coatings for customers, however we feel that this would be directly in competition with our customers, and therefore don't offer that service. We have many independent applicators that are highly experienced and can offer in-house or on-site spraying of polyurea. To find out more, please call us and we can match you to an applicator that will be able to help.