Elastothane Coatings For Agriculture
The demands on agricultural equipment, buildings and tools necessitates robust coatings that protect and endure. With many agricultural OEM's applying polyurea during production, our coatings can be found on all manner of vehicles and accessories. Buildings and infrastructure often need the same levels of protection, especially when rehabilitating older or temporary structures, which is where polyurea will increase the working life of your assets.
Tractors, combine harvesters, threshers and other similar equipment are constantly under attack from high wear levels, impact, abrasion and vibration, often leading to corrosion and technical failure. Polyurea adds impact, abrasion, vibration and corrosion protection that will keep machines running longer, and aids cleaning and maintenance.
Farm buildings vary in age, condition and use, from storage, livestock housing, and produce processing. It is the diverse nature of agricultural buildings that requires coatings to perform services like waterproofing, chemical resistance, animal waste protection, roofing, flooring and much more. Elastothane has provided coatings to the Royal Mews, veterinary hospitals, abattoirs, stables, vegetable processing and packing plant, stables and milking parlours.

Tanks & Silos
Polyurea is not only impact and abrasion resistant, but also highly chemical resistant, which makes it the ideal lining for grain stores, slurry tanks, bunds, dip tanks and much more. Our coatings have been used extensively for grain silo rehabilitation, where rusting steel was blasted, repaired and then coated in polyurea to prevent future corrosion occurring.

The physical properties of polyurea help it withstand the chemicals found in animal waste as well as being able to withstand the weights, impact and abrasion caused by large animals. Cleaning chemicals will not affect the polyurea, as well as pressure washing not being able to penetrate, chip or crack the coating, making it ideal for milking parlours, stables and other livestock housing.

Need an applicator?
We are often asked if we can apply our coatings for customers, however we feel that this would be directly in competition with our customers, and therefore don't offer that service. We have many independent applicators that are highly experienced and can offer in-house or on-site spraying of polyurea. To find out more, please call us and we can match you to an applicator that will be able to help.